a flyer for a seminar on critical race theorya flyer for a seminar on critical race theory

CRT Presentations

Keynotes & Lectures

Catalog Offerings Curated and Personalized for:

K-12 Teachers and Administrators, Religious Communities, Parent Collectives, Universities, Community Learners

“Counterstory in Education: Critical Race Theory’s Pedagogy for Social Transformation"

“Cultivating Courage: The Storytelling History of Critical Race Theory"

“Critical Race Theory Within and Beyond the University"

“Deeply Rooted: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory Post-2020"

“The Racial Realism of Narrative: Methodologies of Refusal"

“The Responsibility of Privilege: A Critical Race Counterstory Conversation for Allies and Accomplices"

“Why Critical Race Theory Matters"

a woman with a book cover of the origins of race
a woman with a book cover of the origins of race

Counterstory Workshops

The Craft of Counterstory

Catalog Offerings Curated and Personalized for:

K-12 Teachers and Administrators, Religious Communities, Parent Collectives, Universities, Community Learners

“Applying a Pedagogy of Linguistic Justice"

“CounterTheory: Storying Race, Gender, and Disability in Rhetorics of Resistance"

“The Craft of Counterstory: Narrating Critical Race Theory”

“Critical Race Theory and the Classroom: Access and Navigation”

“Critical Race Theory and the Writing Center: Access, Navigation, and the Academy”

“Locating Yourself in the Text: Counterstories and Reading Response"

“On Being Included: Crafting Diversity Statements"

“Write Yourself into Grad School: A Writing Workshop"

Select Media, Interviews & Discussions

October 2024I Ain't Afraid of C.R.T.!” Gift of the Gab, I'm a Muslim (And That's Okay!) hosted by Shehla

September 2023The Storied History of Critical Race Theory,” Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication, Stetson University College of Law

January 2023Critical Race Theory: A Pullias Center Webinar,” with Victor Ray, Nichole Garcia, and Kaleb L. Briscoe, University of Southern California Pullias Center for Higher Education

June 2023 Literary Hub roundtable with Richard Delgado and Victor Ray discussing the publication of Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, 4th edition

March 2022Keystone Perspectives Interview with Aja Y. Martinez,” The Big Rhetorical Podcast, interviewed by Charles Woods

September 2021 Episode 82: Aja Y. Martinez,” Pedagogue, interviewed by Shane A. Wood

August 2021Critical Theory of Race: A Scientific Concept that Has Become a National Topic of Debate,” Lithuanian Public Radio, interviewed by Lukas Kivita

July 2021Critical Race Theory and K-12 Education,” School Dazed: Help for Moms and Dads of School-Aged Kids, hosted by Doneda Bailey

May 2020Counterstory: Anna K. Treviño in Conversation with Aja Y. Martinez,” Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Interview Series

a woman in a green dress and headphones on a youtube screenshota woman in a green dress and headphones on a youtube screenshot
a group of people standing in front of a blackboarda group of people standing in front of a blackboard
a woman standing at a podium with a presentation on a screen
a woman standing at a podium with a presentation on a screen
a website page with a picture of a person in a suit and tiea website page with a picture of a person in a suit and tie